Le service comptable de D-Fox Sàrl

We help you create or take over your SME, associative or independent accounting.

Your accounts are finally up to date thanks to our digitalization and electronic filing (GED) solutions which allow you to consult your accounts on the go, at your office or at home.

We put our long accounting experience at your service to carry out the accounting for you.
We produce and analyze your balance sheets once a month or per quarter or per year.


We have contact with a notary or we can ask one of your choice, to found, transform or liquidate a company.
Our services also offer business domiciliation in our post office box, in Geneva of course.


Often people need accounting because Fiscal or Social instances ask them for a balance sheet. Yet accounting is a tool for management in its own right. When performed regularly, if possible monthly, it reveals valuable information to the good management, such as profitability, capacity to produce liquidity or on the contrary, probable bankruptcy.

Accounting is an observation and recording of documents accountants, it of course allows us to know what is the amount of taxes and social insurance to pay. It obviously allows share the winnings fairly when there are several people. It is an essential tool for good management.

We create and launch then hold the accounting in a regular and orderly manner, to be able to proactively provide management-useful results We We also advise on legal implications.


Instalments, payment, hours, AVS deductions, LPP, LAA, maternity, so many terms which are sometimes a little off-putting. The contractual relationship which unites an employee to his employer, is widely regulated, everything must be done correctly and within the deadlines, otherwise beware of fines !

Each salary calculation requires a good knowledge of rates and contracts, often as soon as there is a salary things get complicated and we are here to help you.

Self-employed have a different contribution from employees, in which case are you, how to calculate and provision the amounts to be paid?

We calculate the salaries of your employees or yourself and calculate for the self-employed the AVS contributions to be paid. Contact us for a salary service that gives you time to manage your company, without burdening yourself with salary management and all these annual declarations


A small statement for an employee to make is quite simple, that of an independent a little more extensive and that of a company quite complex. But it all depends on fortune and results.

We we carry out tax declarations for this whole range of situation, taking into account all possible deductions, even
when you are subject to withholding tax.

Taxation is a complex subject because it is regulated. Taxation doesn't stop to the simple declaration. There are many other areas to which you could be submitted. For example: withholding tax, the stamp tax, additional real estate tax, professional tax and military tax, among many others.

Taxation is different for each canton, despite the tax harmonization law. We specialize in Geneva tax: ICC or IFD. While we can compute and file taxes for other cantons.

Contact us for advice or for a tax declaration, we can help you establish it and put you in good standing with others
types of taxes.


How much does the production of a good cost ?
How profitable is a project ?
How much costs you an employee?

We are in the middle of analytical accounting, field applicable not only to industry but also to small
and medium-sized businesses, or even applicable to the self-employed.

We carry out occasional analyzes on request to reveal to you the result of the domain of your choice. We do it through calculations accountants outside accounting, or in accounting itself using analytical accounts.

The method requires knowledge of accounting well beyond a commercial basic level, knowledge that we
we put at your service. Just contact us.


In Anglo-Saxon accounting, we consider liquidity or cash as being essential, in Switzerland very often we are satisfied with profit. It is an approach which is changing, in fact, without cash the company can find itself bankrupt, even though there is profit.

Many people have difficulty understanding how this is possible. Yet cash and not profit or loss are at the heart
of accounting management, which in this context we can qualify as financial management.

We perform cash flow calculations to determine what cash burn your business has . What is the main source of these liquidity or how it is used. Questions that are often neglected, until the day the cash runs out, and then we people start worrying. A good management must generate cash or liquidity, and sometimes benefit but not necessarily.

Don't neglect your treasury, entrust us with its analysis and you will see more clearly in this
what's happening in your business.


Have you sent invoices and your client is not paying you? That happens, but at the start you need to know who paid and who didn't. Monitoring debtors allows this clear vision of your customer portfolio.
We carry out this debtor monitoring and advise you on legal ways to recover your amounts, also called account receivables. 

Lawsuit, bankruptcy, we hope you don't get to that point. Do you have a solid legal basis which allows you to claim the amounts owed ? Did you meet deadlines ? for the prosecution office ? We can help you with these
legal procedures.

Invoice with a excel, word or with a notepad or even with accounting software? 
What information should invoices contain, to whom should we charge VAT and at what rate? So many essential questions, where our help can be useful to you.


Have you received invoices and you don't know how to pay them?
You are surprised by the amount of invoices you received, or even the prosecution office sends you an order to pay? Things get complicated when creditors are not expected or not provisioned, when a surprise arises.

Monitoring of creditors or debts is essential, for you to pay them properly in time without having any unpleasant surprises. Obviously if you have enough cash, payment is not a problem, otherwise is more difficult to manage.

We can help you organize, classify and give payment deadlines to your creditors. Their Accounting recording can be made at the time of payment for a simple accounting or upon receipt of the invoice. Little does it matter how it's done as long as there are no surprises.


Vous avez des relations commerciales avec l'étranger ? Vous facturez en euro, dollars US ou toute autre monnaie ? Comment ne pas perdre dans le change courant ? Qui assume le risque de change ?

Nous pouvons enregistrer vos opérations comptables dans toutes les monnaies et en fin d'année effectuer la réévaluation des actifs et passifs au cours fiscal. Les comptes peuvent aussi être tenus avec d'autres formes de gestion de devises et en double monnaie si vous faites un "reporting" international.

En cours d'année les opérations sont enregistrées au cours du jour ou encore sur une base de cours moyen. Parfois l'influence sur votre bénéfice, les taux de change sont aussi élevés que 30% Il est donc important de bien suivre ce qu'il se passe avec vos relations commerciales avec l'étranger, il est d'ailleurs assez courant, à Genève d'avoir des transactions en devises. We keep you away from them.


Do you know if you are subject to VAT? what are the  thresholds? What to do to be ok with value added tax? 
VAT is quite simple and yet complex.

In short, we don't want to burden you with accounting interpretations, because we have much more to give you,
especially in day-to-day management.

We carry out the entries taking into account VAT and we advise you on its collection in an international manner. we tell you who it is must be billed and what determines its billing. We help you also with the establishment of quarterly, half-yearly or annuals. We save you money by spotting opportunities deduction of input tax. Ask us for advice or hold your accounting, we are at your service.


The good old 7cm federal binders or electronic management of documents, (DMS) is a choice. Often we think that the dematerialization of documents saves time, this is true when we search for a document but it is wrong when scanning and classifying a document. The real advantages of a DMS are the space saving and the speed of search. A DMS must also meet the legal requirements of preservation of electronic documents. The documents must be “recognized” or “ocerized”, then archived in the international standard PDF/A-1b, the archiving medium must be very durable.

We use our own cloud https://d-cloud.ch  Ask us! We have experience with several grading systems and archiving, character recognition techniques and data carrier. We can also advise you on choosing a scanner appropriate for your data volume. Isn't it great to see all your documents while you are staying abroad?


Small simple software that we recommend for good accounting for SMEs, associations or individuals, Banana accounting,is simple cheap and very flexible for pro accountants. It has also the advantage of being available on the shelves or for purchase online.

Banana accounting being very flexible also allows the accounting of holding companies, mergers, splits, consolidation, cash-flow, debtors, creditors, fixed assets, property management. We are well acquainted with  knowledge to carry out these operations, with our favorite accounting tool.

Forget software that "locks you in" in endless screens, with sometimes hazardous results.

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